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Paziente diplomata, un incontro per donne con e senza tumore al seno

Will be held on October 17 at the Auditorium of Humanitas the fifth edition of the meeting ” graduated Patient : seminar for women with and without breast cancer “, event for women which is part of the initiatives organized in the month of senologica prevention . During the meeting, organized by Dr. Wolfgang Gatzemeier and dr. Claudio Andreoli of the Breast Unit of Humanitas in collaboration with the Italian School of Senology and “Mamazone Frauen und Forschung gegen Brustkrebs” will also be presented the book “The doubts about him,” written by Dr. Emanuela Mencaglia , psychologist Humanitas.

Graduated patient

What themes will be addressed during the seminar?

Inform on the latest advances made by the research and the importance of prevention : this is the objective of the seminar “graduated Patient”, a definition that refers to the realization that the woman acquires it directly affected by the disease, because of its proximity to someone who is living or because they want to prevent the onset or be prepared to face it. For women who have had to deal with cancer, it will be an opportunity to interact constructively and effectively with the interdisciplinary medical team of Breast Unit. It discusses the mammography screening and dell ‘role of ultrasound in the prevention, sexuality and the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. During the seminar it will also be presented the book “The doubts about him,” Emanuela Mencaglia, psychologist Humanitas. “When the disease enters the life of every day – explains Dr Mencaglia – the family and the partners involved are from this state of precariousness and relationships can become the catalyst of personal crisis and torque.”. In this period of instability, the man is tormented by a thousand worries: “How to behave? Act as if nothing had happened or become hyper-attentive? And sex? “. To these and other questions he seeks to answer “The doubts about him.”

See the book ” The doubts about him .”

What are the procedures for participation in the event?

Participation in “The Patient graduated” conference is free , but the number of places is limited and therefore it is necessary to pre-registration, which must be submitted no later than October 12. The event will be held on October 17, from 9 to 17, at the Auditorium of Humanitas (building 2).

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