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Chirurghi e chef a confronto: “Manualità, esperienza e attenzione al minimo dettaglio”

A panel discussion on the peculiarities of the two professionals will open the 117th National Meeting of the Italian Society of Surgery to be held in Milan October 21 to 24. special guest chef Davide Oldani pluristellato interviewed by journalist Ilaria D’Amico.


Surgeons and chefs: so far so near. Two different professions, but with much in common starting with the attraction for the young. These two figures, the boundaries that separate them and the similarities will be the stars of the opening ceremony of the 117 th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery , to be held in Milan today, October 21 at the Silver Room of the Convention Center MiCo (Via Gattamelata, Milan ) at 17:00, in front of an audience of over 1,000 surgeons in the three days dedicated to the Congress (from Wednesday 21 to Saturday 24) they will share between numerous symposia on specialized surgical society in which they will be treated the hottest topics of the surgery, as well as the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. The round table will take part in the multi-starred chef Davide Oldani , interviewed by journalist Ilaria D’Amico .


Chef and surgeons, the common points

Years of study and inspiration, technique and skill : in the kitchen there is sudden, it is not enough to wear an apron in order to be a good cook. Unthinkable improvisation in the operating room. What unites these two professions? “The chef and the surgeon have more in common than it might seem. Professions are high specialization , the result of a strong preparation, suspended between theory and practice, between craftsmanship and high technology “, says Professor Marco Montorsi , elected president of the Italian Society of Surgery and Head of General Surgery and digestive of Humanitas. Another common feature is the look, the vision of the chef and the surgeon when they are at work: “They both look to the particular without losing sight of the big picture of what we have in front of that over which put their hands. It is said that surgery is the art of the detail, of ‘ attention to details , “emphasizes Montorsi. In the kitchen a lot of space to the imagination . In the operating room is no place for creativity ? “The surgeon should use the experience, has to rely on what they have learned, to a precise routine, but the unexpected must also have the ability to think of solutions had not been scheduled.”


The Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery in the year of Expo

“This year we chose the title: The Italian Surgery in the year of the Expo: Ready for the Challenge? The Universal Exhibition is dedicated to food and nutrition, an issue that intersects with medicine and even with surgery, just think of digestive diseases or surgery to treat obesity. The aim of these three days is also to demonstrate the level of quality, safety and efficacy that the Italian surgery has achieved in the last year. The concept of challenge is a bit ‘the leitmotif of Expo 2015 as well as the Italian surgery. All surgeons feel the need to grow , to modernize , to guarantee the right of all to security and to ‘ effectiveness of surgical procedures – adds Professor Montorsi. “The new frontiers of surgery, in fact, are increasingly expanding: from technology related to the development of robotic surgery to the latest laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery applications. The world of surgery, also opens to the latest innovations and discoveries in the field of genetics and surgeons today are wondering how they will cut out the surgical choice based on personalized information to each patient. “

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