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Tumori al cervello, Humanitas in prima linea

The Unit of Oncological Neurosurgery of Humanitas , directed by prof. Lorenzo Bello , has represented Italy at the most important meeting of neuro-surgical oncology that was held in London from ‘8 to 14 July last. From operating theaters Rozzano prof. Bello made, live and with patient awake, an innovative surgery .


What action will be transmitted from the operating theaters of Humanitas?

It was the Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Rozzano with its Neuro Center to represent Italy at the most important meeting of neuro-surgical oncology which will take place in London from 8 to 14 July.
The Unit of Neurosurgery oncological hospital, headed by prof. Lorenzo Bello, was one of four teams selected all over the world to bring their experience to the 4th Annual World Course in Advanced Techniques in Neurosurgical Oncology. The other three are centers of France, Germany and the USA.
From operating theaters Rozzano, during the meeting, Professor. Bello made, live and awake patient , a particularly innovative surgery, using a sophisticated technique it comes to neurosurgery oncology: the intraoperative neurophysiology and imaging, which already in 2014 earned him the Cambridge Lecture, a prestigious scientific recognition that, for 15 years, it is awarded annually to the neurosurgeon who developed the most important activity of the year.
“The surgery broadcast live surgery – explains prof. Lorenzo Bello, who is a professor at the University of Milan – was aimed at the removal of a tumor that affects the motor system and language . Areas that, prior to the development of this sophisticated neurophysiological intraoperative imaging technique, were not ‘touch’ during surgery, because there were no precise data on how they work.
our group, in collaboration with physiologists team, has developed a unique system of electrical impulses , never used before in the world, making a mapping subcortical very refined through neurophysiology techniques, allows to identify the brain and highlight functions during the surgery the patient is awake. in particular, thanks to this new knowledge developed in Humanitas, you can extend the surgical resection and so remove tumors located at critical points of the brain, while keeping intact the patient’s functions, for example those of the motor system and language.
This allows not only to be able to surgically intervene effectively on 60% of patients suffering from certain types of brain tumors untreatable by standard techniques – as demonstrated in our study published in Neuro-Oncology in 2014-but also to increase quality and life expectancy. ”
All this is possible thanks to the close collaboration of a team of neurosurgeons , neuropsychologists and neurophysiologists who work together both before surgery, both in the operating room, in order to preserve the ‘ functional integrity of the patient, while ensuring the oncological surgery.

I numeri di Humanitas
  • 2.3 milioni visite
  • +56.000 pazienti PS
  • +3.000 dipendenti
  • 45.000 pazienti ricoverati
  • 800 medici
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